A bouncy castle is one of the exercise equipment meant for young kids. There are different types and styles of bouncy castles that you can choose for your lovely kids. Sometimes they might suffer from punctures, rips, and tears due to the excessive strain that is put on them. Fixing these problems might be a perplexing and a time-consuming task. This means that you purchase equipment that can be fixed easily. The following are the useful tips that can help you in choosing Bouncy Castles Perth for your kids.
Usage and Size
The size of the bouncy castle chosen mainly depends on how the product is being used. Individuals who have large outdoor spaces should choose big units. Such units are highly recommended because they can accommodate more kids.
Age Restrictions and Weight
The weight and the age of kids using the product should always be considered when choosing one. Small units are meant for young kids ranging from three and six years. Most of the standard models have a weight limit of about 100 pounds. Their age limit is twelve years.
Commercial Buying
Extra large bouncy castles are meant for commercial applications. Their standard length is 24 feet. Individuals buying commercial units should go for those units that have a high ceiling.
Number of Kids
The maximum number of kids that can be accommodated by a unit is another important factor that needs to be considered. In fact, it should be a key factor when purchasing commercial units. The manufacturer’s guidelines should always be followed.
You should choose a unit that is safe for use. There are a couple of features that need to be considered when it comes to safety. Reading the different reviews can give you a good idea about the safety of a specific device. Regardless of how safe the device is, tabs should be kept on the kids to ensure that they are sound and safe.
Maintenance and Repair
The manufacturer’s instructions should be followed when maintaining a bouncy unit. For instance, its surface should e wiped using a clean wet towel. Ideally, you should use the right method to prevent your product from getting damaged. Doing your homework thorough research can help you in choosing the method for cleaning your unit.
Filling Method
The method used in filing the unit will determine how easy or difficult the unit can be set up. Most of them come with blowers for blowing air inside to give them the desired shape.